
Thursday, 26 January 2012

Toronto Advertising Week 2012

This week a few members from the marketing team got together to attend a few sessions at Toronto's Advertising Week.

We found some of the sessions to be most compelling, and were intrigued to find out what the future has in store for us, and the way technology will be shifting within the next year.

One particular session caught our attention, which was put on by Google Canada, where we learned about "Going Mobile" and the future of businesses on the mobile internet.

Google has launched a page where you can type in your company site, and see how your site currently looks on a mobile device. This page give you tips and trick to optimize your site for mobile accessibility.

Check out Google's Mobile site to see how your site ranks!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Break Down Organizational Walls

At Ideaca, we do many different things to keep our corporate culture a fun and motivating work environment. We proudly hold the title of "100 Best Workplaces 2011" in Canada, (and are hoping to qualify again this year!)

Sometimes it is the little things that count, and ultimately make your employee feel valued and appreciated.

Check out this Article on "9 Ways to Break Down Organizational Walls" to help your company break down those intimating corporate walls.

For more insightful ideas and discussion topics, also check out our SharePoint User Group on Linkedin!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

What is the Cost of Internet Freedom?

Like any other day, I went to Google and tried to "Wikipedia" a term to find out the meaning behind it. To my surprise, the page was blocked, and this sign (above picture) was hosted on the site, instead of the usual "search" page. It has come to my attention that Wikipedia has decided to black out their online encyclopedia to raise awareness against the U.S. Congress who is considering legislation that could risk our internet being free and open.

How would this change our world, and the way that we go about our daily lives, as we have come to rely so heavily on the internet? It is scary to think that something like this could take place, and that our "free" resources could be taken away from us. Wikipedia is a site that I can guarantee, most people have used on multiple occasions, to find out a quick fact, or to reference a specific topic.

If Wikipedia is a free source that can be suddenly taken away from us, what other kinds of "reliable" internet resources may be taken away too?

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Mobile Working Population Will Continue to Grow

The "Mobile Worker" will no longer be a thing of the "future", but slowly will become a very present reality. The portable freedom one has when working on their phone is enough to change the way we work, and view our working environments.

It has come to be a serious concern of most employees, as they are feeling that they are not getting the most out of their days, as they are stuck having to go into their offices for simple tasks. The mobile device however, has started to completely erase this process of "going into the office just to answer an e-mail".

This of course adds to the flexibility of the modern day worker to have the independence and ease to come and go as they please, as they are able to get their work done, wherever they are, and not necessarily having to be present in the office. People are suddenly given the freedom to do this anywhere, at any time, in the palm of their hands.

Does this cause any problems, or take away from being social and making face time with your company/clients? Or is this the way the world is going, and it is something that we have to come to accept?

Check out this article from IDC (International Data Corporation) about the predictions for our mobile future can be found here.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Effective New Year's Resolutions from Toronto Board of Trade

Happy New Year and Welcome 2012! As we start the year, it’s a good idea to reflect on the past one, and try and start this New Year with a fresh and positive attitude. The Toronto Board of Trade compiled 10 New Year's Resolutions that every business owner should make to start off 2012 on a high note!

1. Stop being negative about the state of the economy.
This country is still staggering through tough and turbulent economic times. The reality is this economic state could continue throughout 2012. That said, in a trillion dollar economy there are definitely more than a few new prospects that can help grow your business. While complaining doesn’t help find them, offering solutions to solve their problems does.

2. Critique the performance of your employees.
Stop holding onto the people that are poor performers, don’t fit within the culture, or don’t augment the bottom line. If that employee went on a month long vacation would it negatively affect the company? What impact would their absence have? Be objective and make those tough decisions.

3. Market to prospects that meet my product purchasing criteria.
Businesses spend a lot of time trying to market their products to an audience that simply does not possess the financial means to make a purchase. Businesses spend a lot of time on these “Maybes” (prospects that show inconsistent interest). Separate these “Maybes” from buyers by determining the customer’s income bracket, their influence on decision making, and timeframes for their purchases.

4. Do not lower prices to substitute a real marketing strategy.
Have the confidence in what your company sells and do not lower prices in an effort to win business. Focus on prospects that recognize the value your company or products delivers. Leave the price wars to your competitors.

5. Meet with customers and vendors face to face.
Stop relying on email and the phone as an exclusive way to talk with customers. Even in a social media world, deep and long lasting business relationships are still built through face to face meetings and conversations.

6. Attend at least one major industry event.
A big part of success in business is to never stop learning from others. Attend a conference, and focus on the discussions and content. Don’t spending the time working on issues that are happening back at the office.

7. Invest in yourself and learn a new skill.
“Old dogs can learn new tricks." Most companies invest in training and professional development their employees. Take this year to become proficient in a professionally weak area or an area you lack the courage to tackle. Furthering your skill set will ensure success and growth, personally and professionally.

8. Recognize when you need to take time off.
Professional and personal lives are merging. Take one vacation of seven days or longer this year and leave the computer at home. Go at least one day this year without using your work cell phone. You can do this!

9. Truly understand your businesses financial statements each month.
Many business owners are too busy to check or don’t understand their financial statements. Make a commitment to learn what the profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statements mean to your business and use them as a guide for future action. Do not delegate that understanding to your bookkeeper, CFO or accounting professional.

10. Be proud you’re a small business owner.
Celebrate the big achievement of creating a company, successfully establishing products and/or services, assisting your customers and empowering your employees. As a small business owner your energy and entrepreneurial spirit is the economic driver of the region and this country.

To read more helpful and interesting articles check out The Toronto Board of Trade's weekly bulletin board here!