Post written by Chris S., BI Consultant at Ideaca. Read more about BI on his blog: The Outspoken Data Guy.
I recently sat with a client to listen to some of the issues that they are currently having with their BI program. One of the biggest issues that this client is facing is what I would classify as a simple supply and demand problem. Basically their team of around 8 people cannot keep up with the demands of developing and sustaining their BI/DW environment in what is a large organization. The main question for me was could Agile help solve this problem. In my experience, Agile cannot solve the problem directly but it can be used to highlight the root cause.
This is a very common problem that BI programs face. It is the fact that teams are often small relative to the size of an organization and are also too small to manage the tasks that they need to perform to grow and maintain a BI portfolio. And in certain circumstances it is compounded by the fact that teams are often staffed with the wrong skills sets needed to grow and manage a BI offering.
So how can Agile help?
With proper tracking and monitoring of what the team does on a daily basis, teams can begin to gather data on what types of work the team is doing on a daily basis. What we often find is that at a certain point new development will stop coming from small teams charged with both the development and sustainment of a program as they cannot keep up with both. The ironic thing is that most BI managers have no real data to back this up. So taking advantage of some of the rigor around agile in terms of tracking what is done on a daily basis and how slowly new work burns down, one can begin to understand and report better on how time is spent and in fact how little time is available to delivering new functionality.
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